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Ethcal Goals


It is an illusion to think that solar, wind and biomass will be sufficient to satisfy our future energy needs. Hydropower is and remains ecologically the most precious, important, and ecologically friendly energy source.

For Eisackwerk Srl, the protection of the environment is of utmost importance. 

Energy from hydropower is environmentally friendly: There is no release of harmful substances. In Italy, more than half of the energy is produced from fossil sources, which speed up global warming and harm our environment. 

It is our goal to optimize the use of the energy of the water as far as ecologically feasible. We focus in on the complex ecological balance present in rivers, and we strive to maintain and improve their environment.

For the Province of Bolzano aspire to realize efficient, innovative, and environmentally friendly projects. We want to contribute to maintain and improve the high living quality standards in this region and therefore place a high value on it energy supply security.

For more information regarding our ethical values, please refer to the document below:

Environmental Goals


In order to achieve our environmental goals, we commit ourselves to:

  • comply with all valid legislations and to maintain the regulations regarding the requirements of the concessions;

  • keep interventions into the landscape and environmental pollution during construction as low as possible;

  • inform the surrounding, population and interested parties during the project. Integrate partners and try to find together a solution to improve and protect the environment;

  • invest into the research & development of renewable energies to find solutions together with research institutes and Universities;

  • prevent environmental pollution and to continuously monitor the environmental performance of the company and improve it;

  • inform the population about the environmental friendliness of the energy production through hydropower.

In order to emphasize on the importance of an environmentally friendly behavior, we have committed ourselves to introduce and act according to an environmental management system as per Norm ISO 14001. The system underlies a continuous improvement and is reviewed yearly by the accredited certification agency.

ISO Certification


Eisackwerk Srl and Eisackwerk Rio Pusteria Srl are both certified by Quality Austria with the quality management (ISO 9001.2015), environmental management (ISO 14001:2015), and occupational health and safety management (ISO 45001:2018) systems.

The main goal of the ISO certifications is the following:

  • ISO 9001:2015 determines that a company is able to consistently provide quality products

  • ISO 14001:2015 consists in supporting the protection of the environment and the prevention of pollution in accordance with socio-economic requirements

  • ISO 45001:2018 certifies that a company has systems in place that provide safe and healthy workplaces

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